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Being apart thousands of miles away is never a waterloo this computer age. With the emergence of high-technology bringing you the best and amazing services, there will never be a problem to talk and communicate with a friend, relatives, families, and special someone abroad. Need to worry on how to contact those special persons, no need to pay expensive telephone long distance bills! Chat room is a place available all day and all night, anywhere and anytime. All you have to do is to log in and connect, but make sure that you are all in the same chat room. Find out what is a chat room all about.

A chat room is a primarily used by mass media to describe any form of synchronous conferencing, or even asynchronous conferencing.

Chat using text- base

Chatting online is a method of communicating by sending messages to people in real-time in being in the same chat room. Before the emergence of online chat, the most popular kind was the IRC (Internet Relay Chat). Although IRC has long been popular since then and now, many would like to introduce new and more modern chat rooms. What allows users to select an identifying icon and modify the look of their environment in the text based chat room is the GUI ( Graphical User Interface).

The use of instant messaging made it possible for chatters to send message as soon as possible online. Using the buddy list, you can chat to any of your friends from different places that are online and with the same chat room, the availability of chatting with multiple users is incorporated, but these conversations are restricted to the user's buddy list only.

Multi-user graphical environments

Experience online chatting by adding graphics in either 2D or 3D employing virtual reality technology. The user an use graphic representation that can be moved in a graphic environment or background. The virtual worlds are capable of incorporating games in a particularly multi player online games and other educational materials. Other visual chat rooms also have audio and video communications allowing users to see and hear each other.

Activities in the chat room

To share information via user text groups is the primary use of the chat room. The use of web cams and file sharing have been enabled by the new technology to be included in the program. Online sex in the chat room is known as cybersex,beats by dre studio hd, where users visit this place to experience sex in the chat room through x-rated quotes to get stimulation. But the main use is to meet people old and new just like in local bar, coffee shops, library, grocery stores, malls, restaurants and other public places having public gatherings.

How to behave in chat rooms

There are certain rules that chat room requires to follow in order and maintain integrity and safety for their users. Offensive languages are not allowed to be used, or promote have, violence and other negative issues. Using caps lock typing and bold texts are greatly discouraged. They have rules to be followed by users in chatting online. Related articles:

