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First chapter 41 Jin sees He Jin(bottom)
Lu Zhi listens to He Jin start to ask on his/her own initiative and also know that the that time waited and right away would was to say with a smile:"The great commander soldier is indeed as expected severe!In one language of!"
Say, Lu Zhi woulds be to point at to sit on the end seat of Luo's sun, say to He Jin:"This is last time the officer once brought up to the great commander soldier of the southern sun guard Luo sun Luo son regrets!"
Luo's sun signs a horse to would be to start, toward He Jin profoundly on doing obeisance, drink a way:"End Luo's sun!Pay a courtesy call on a great commander soldier!"
He Jin Kan one eye Luo's sun, but is to don't peep out any facial expression, just lightly location nod, say:"Luo's sun?Boon, I remember that adult Lu ever once brought up you with me!Say you fight of the skill is very good!The great fame that can get adult Lu, thinks to you should be some skills!Like stem!Don't let my disappointment!"
"Re!The end will settle expectation of being ungrateful to the great commander soldier not!"Luo's sun is to don't dare to have any disaffection, own at present of own life and family possessions can all Ye what enter of hand up, if ask for He Jin isn't happy, also need not He Jin began by himself/herself, as long as he now let go of ignore, Luo's sun is must been left plentiful to playing dead by that can not!
For the attitude of Luo's sun, He Jin is also very satisfied, again ordered to nod, but was to become overdo and chat with Lu Zhi, obviously is would not like to say more with Luo's sun again what.Is such a small potato to Luo's sun, also really hang up not rise what enter with the interest that he talks, can say more so severals, is already the face that sees plant at the Lu.
However, be so, is already come to a to come to see today enter of purpose, Luo's sun is to know into back, right away would was to honestly send back an end seat, sat to no longer talk more over there.Not only is Luo's sun, even Chu Gong is in this den, that is also the qualifications that didn't talk, in addition to He Miao can occasionally put on 12, greatly parts of time is also all Lu to plant and enter 2 people are in the confabulation.
All of 2 people are in the dynasties of weigh minister, what they discuss, nature also all is dynasty the governmental affairs on the hall.Probably because have Luo the cause of sun this New appointee, what enter don't discuss with Lu Zhi what very impressionable topic, big part still around before just ended of disorderly yellow towel.Also have once bring up some everywhere the explosion come out of insurrection, 2 people discuss how to quell and send who quell of type of.But concerning at present toward hall's most arresting party person and fight for eunuch, but 2 people are that the tacit understanding grounds shut up not to talk very much.
Again chat about a many hours, Lu Zhi this just start to enter to take leave with He Miao, and Luo's sun and Chu Gong is also heel at Lu Zhi after death toward carry on a gift.He Jin ha ha say with smile:"Is also a pain for adult Lu's this period of time!Temporary the favour is over recently, I certainly want to invite adult Lu to the your home to well drink one cup!"Finish saying this, He Jin Dun, but is completely changed a kind of euphonic, say to Luo's sun:"Luo's sun, since adult Lu brought up you to defend city, at the right moment the Luo sun city city south recently without a department Wei, you try to there!"
Listen to He Jin these are a suddenly absent-minded words, Luo's sun not from get one Leng, raise head, but is at the right moment see a front Lu Zhi be stealthily making expression of eyes toward himself or herself.Luo's sun signs a horse to respond to come over, directly be toward what enter on doing obeisance, drink a way:"The end will follow instructions!Thank a great commander soldier to promote!"
He Jin is just one face cool, put to put to say:"Good!Don't say so many useless talks!Remember!Although this Wei one job is small, but is the public order that relates to Luo sun city!You slice to neglect!If what matter, even if is to have adult Lu to guarantee for you, I also can't Rao you!"
Luo's sun certainly understands this is what enter of snuff out, signing the horse is to pack a truly Huang truly and perhaps of appearance, kowtow on the ground, say:"The end will understand!The end will can't certainly let great commander soldier disappointment!"
"Good!Next go to!"He Jin just ordered to nod this time, immediately again changed a smiling face, say to Lu Zhi:"Adult Lu!Leading several days is the birthdays of history Hou!Seeing the history Hou has been 9 years old, I want to move to invite his majesty to let adult Lu a guidance history the Hou studies, when the time comes, also needing to invite history Hou never decline!"
History Hou within import, but is enter of nephew, is also man emperor Liu Hong and empress' sub- Liu Bian.In those early years after Liu Bian is born, because Liu Hong before of a few sons all successively die, what empress for protecting he or she's son's life, so send Liu Bian to keep at Xing Shi's Taoist priest in home, want to depend on the doctrine of Taoist priest protection oneself's son.Also evil, result this Liu Bian still was really a healthy Jian Kang to grow up, didn't be like a few of his elder brothers to die so.And after although Liu Bian is connected to return to imperial palace, imperial palace the top and bottom also all directly call him as history Hou, is also in honor of Liu Bian the life in those early years.
Several years ago, beauty Wang in the temple bore for Liu Hong the second son, Liu Xie, , although that Wang's beauty descend emperor's son from cradle to the grave drive what empress consociation Zhang Rang wait person to poison to death.Can that emperor's son help but is under queen mother Tung's protection, live thoroughly, and because of beauty Wang's relation, Liu Hong seems to be also to particularly love deeply to this young child, if not that because He Jin Shou holds heavy power, only afraid Liu Hong early sign emperor's son to help for the prince!
To this, the He Jin in the mind nature is to become nervous, he really knows that his own current powers all come from their his own younger sister and nephew, if Liu Bian at last can not ascend an emperor, so He Jin now all powers, will go up in smoke as well when the time comes!Help for this, He Jin Xiang over a lot of ways, an initial target, that being putting to death emperor's son!
Unfortunately, after beauty Wang died, Liu Hong to what empress have already had wariness, plus queen mother Tung have been seeing what empress with a revolting feeling, every moment protect emperor's son to help.And the last few years, what enter a relationship with those eunuches of Zhang Rang is also more and more bad, want to remove emperor's son to help, that was more and more also the difficulty.
Since remove emperor's son to help this road to go impassability, He Jin beats to have another idea again, that is the amount of that makes an effort to increase oneself, nephew, Liu Bian, , .For this, He Jin is simply to wait eunuch to break off with Zhang Rang, more big for these several years four draw together those party persons, is a that wants to pass these scholars, plusing 1 for Liu Hong can not discard long sign young fetter.At the same time, can also with party in government hall on let to affirm in the heart of those officials Liu Bian is that the real emperor inherits a person, this impression and made Liu Hong more and more don't dare to easily cast aside Liu Bian to sign emperor's son to help for the prince.
But after doing all these, but He Jin still dissatisfied foot, along with Liu Bian more and more old, what enter start for a the thing color of own nephew well and too Fu.But is a well-known world great teacher, the teacher accepts Lu Zhi whom the Confucianism master's horse melts, become what enter of initial of choose.Just although Lu Zhi before has already gone and lived with what money income next, but don't want excessively a battling out of of participating two emperor's sons, so previous enter of several times suggest, Lu Zhi also power be is don't know.
And this Lu plant to seek to come, what enter a help, but is give what enter the best opportunity, after satisfying the request that the Lu plants, He Jin is also to take this time, formally put forward to request to Lu Zhi.
Listen to what enter of words, the Lu plants of be suffused with to have one silk in the heart bitter and astringent, in fact previous he has already missed He Jin Hui to make a request to himself with this.But for protecting Luo's sun, Lu Zhi's knowing perfectly welling is a pit, also have to is shutting eyes to downwards jump.Right away, Lu Zhi woulds be toward He Jin deeply on doing obeisance, say:"Now that the great commander soldier can see thus officer, descend an officer and dare not to obey orders!"
See Lu Zhi promise, He Jin not from must ha ha on smiling, hope toward the vision of Luo's sun and was also manies for several cents delight, also luckily this boy, otherwise Lu Zhi's this obstinate donkey still don't know when be willing to lower the head!Only with this,www.cheapbeatsbydrdreheadset.com, hereafter must also promote this boy well, be regarded as to his guerdon!
Luo's sun and Chu Gong to this among them of curved curved way way but isn't clear, just see into request Lu Zhi be Liu Bian of too Fu, but Lu Zhi just considered a short moment promised.Chu Gong even still just regrets, think this what enter indeed as expected is value very much to Lu Zhi, this Liu Bian of too the Fu isn't a so simple affair, if Liu Bian in the future ascend the throne, that Lu plants but a jump to become three Mr. of a!
3 people are from the den after excusing to leave, the path goes straight great commander soldier mansion, front door, but 3 people loosenned tone at the same time.The great commander soldier your home is 1 line this time, to Luo sun to say, can say is be subjected to benefit bandit shallow.First, solving left plentiful this handle first to hang the benefit sword of the sun overhead is at Luo, although have no complete cancellation to threaten, the protection for having into, left plentiful will never dare to easily make moves to Luo's sun that aftertime!
Secondly, Luo's sun also at last formally set up household to fall a door inside the city at the Luo sun, although and Luo's sun before think the big exhibition boxing is in the place feet some dissimilarity.But turn to read a to think, only at Luo sun the city is foolish for a day, Luo's sun has already suddenly and leisurely been such a to is future top-class to strive for a private to Guo Jia and be apart from 1* in A.D. now*ten of year often wait on of still have four years indiscriminately, among these four years, if stay city at the Luo sun, perhaps also have what other results!
As for what enter sun to arrange to Luo of that Luo sun city the south Wei, in fact say white, is a very small public order officer, equal to future generations a city inside of the bureau chief of area class police department.However although the official position is very low,the official position doesn't forget, here but the Luo sun is emperor's city!Very small department Wei, but is Luo sun to minority ofly command troops military officer inside the city, in now this morals of the world, also be regarded as a very good post!Well worth mentioning BE, in those early years while holding to just raise filial piety Lian, the Cao was the first official position was Luo sun northern Wei!The many colors stick that stays history is a Cao to hold to build out in that time!
Lu Zhi deeply absorbed tone and turned head to say to Luo's sun:"Son regrets!My pouring is to don't thought of that the great commander soldier will give you arrangement such a post, this result is well is bad, also say to prohibit now, in a word you from now on must carefully do!"Lu Zhi can be regarded as the doyen of officialdom and see a problem but all want to see deeply than Luo's sun and Chu Gong, Luo's sun serves as Luo sun southern Wei, although this post is quite good, but the problem for following is also a lot of, and the all these can all be seeing Luo's sun when the time comes how to control.
PS:Finally fix!Pony AN is on the whole to complete commitment today, a day five more!Everyone also wants to support much and more!!!
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